Nancy Gardner from Outlaw Studio Presents at the Mendocino Art Center Jewelry/Small Metals Studio Recycling/Reusing your Precious Metals
Friday and Saturday ~ February 21st & 22nd 10:30 – 4:30
$200.00 for each day
Optional $40 kit
$10 a day studio fee paid to MAC
To Register email Nancy at
With the price of precious metals these days, every little piece counts!
That’s why recycling and reusing your scrap is more important than ever.
In this workshop we will start by discussing the alloying process – how to and
the whys of. Every different alloy has different characteristics, each of which has been formulated for specific purposes and uses.
We will start by discussing the alloying process and the various “recipes” for different alloys with silver, gold and copper. We will then get to work preparing your scrap and/or
purchased metal for casting into ingots. These ingots are then processed into sheet or wire stock of various shapes and gauges. Not only can this save you money on materials, the skills learned can be invaluable when, for example, you need that 2” piece of 20 gauge round wire to finish the piece now and you only have 8 gauge square!
Casting grains of fine silver and 24 gold will be available for purchase.
Optional “kit” contains 2 crucibles, metal pouring handle, and carbon stick $40
This workshop will be limited to 6 participants each day.
You can sign up for one or both days.
Looking forward to seeing you in the studio!
Instructor: Nancy Gardner
Telephone: 707 972-4178
Mailing Address: 8180 Outlaw Spring, Mendocino 95460
Instagram: @mendocinojewelry